Museum restaurant
Welcome to a venue where outstanding food and drink combined with the best view in Stavanger to provide an unusual culinary experience.
You are assured of a warm reception whether you’re looking for our famous fishsoup, a sandwich, a good lunch – or a full dinner in the evening.
Events in the exhibition area after the museum’s regular opening hours can be catered by agreement. We would recommend our tapas menu.
We work only with the best raw materials, and take pride in preparing our dishes from the ground up in accordance with good craft traditions.
Our distinctive premises provide a very special setting for your restaurant experience. The interaction between food, wine and art is outstanding, including the way meals are served, tables are laid and the premises are decorated.
A fantastic location means that you can enjoy your food while admiring the view over Stavanger’s harbour basin, with the Ryfylke fjords and majestic mountains as the backdrop.